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Drivers with interlock devices have 5 obligations

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Posted on January 11, 2021

A conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol often comes with serious legal penalties. One of these may be the requirement to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. This device requires you to submit an alcohol-free breath sample both to start your vehicle and to continue to drive it.

If you are subject to the interlock requirement, you also have a legal obligation to complete the following five tasks.

1. Drive only vehicles with interlock devices

You cannot get around your interlock obligation by driving a different vehicle. If you drive a vehicle that does not have an interlock device, you may face additional legal consequences.

2. Report for initial calibration

Within the first 30 days of installation, you must return to the interlock provider for additional calibration and an initial monitoring report. The provider should submit this report to the Secretary of State.

3. Return for regular inspections

Inside of every 60 days, you must take your vehicle to the device installer for a monitoring report. Likewise, if you receive a service or inspection notice between regular visits, you have up to five days to return to the installer.

4. Maintain a journal

You also must keep a journal to document any issues with your interlock device. These may include problems starting your vehicle, providing breath samples or anything else related to the device.

5. Keep the device on your vehicle

Finally, you must keep the device on your vehicle until you have legal permission to remove it. Before detaching the device, you must notify the Secretary of State. You also must surrender your restricted driving permit when you remove the device.