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Statistics on drunk driving in Illinois

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Posted on August 2, 2022

If you currently face drunk driving charges, you likely have overwhelming stress and concerns about your future. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with relevant laws, understanding not only the possible penalties you could face but your rights and strategies to help secure a more favorable outcome as well.

It is also helpful for drivers to go over statistics on drunk driving cases. Not only can this help drivers avoid serious charges, but it can serve as a reminder that you are not alone if you face these allegations.

Taking a look at drunk driving data

The Illinois Secretary of State published data on various aspects of drunk driving cases. According to their statistics, the average person charged with DUI has a blood alcohol content level of .17, which is double the legal limit. Moreover, a typical DUI arrest occurs during the weekend, between 11 PM and 4 AM.

Males represent three-quarters of those taken into custody for driving drunk, and more than half are under the age of 35.

Other data on drunk driving arrests

The Secretary of State also reports that during 2020, their office registered more than 20,000 drunk driving arrests. Moreover, these arrests resulted in the loss of driving privileges for 90% of those taken into custody (if eligible). Male drivers between 21 and 24 had higher arrest rates than other age groups, and first-time offenders accounted for 86% of arrests.

If you face drunk driving charges, it is important to remain calm and focused. Make sure you carefully analyze all of the unique details surrounding your case.