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What To Do If You Suspect Medical Malpractice

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Posted on October 10, 2023

Medical errors can change your life forever. Treatments needed to restore health often bring more pain, worsening symptoms, and death in worst-case scenarios. Knowing how to respond to medical negligence can protect you or a loved one from further injury.

It is imperative to advocate for yourself in these instances. Proving medical malpractice is a complex task, but injury victims have the right to safeguard their health and the health of loved ones.

Work With Another Doctor

You will likely still need care after an incident of medical negligence to address any necessary follow-up needs or additional health issues you experience. Establishing yourself as a patient with a new doctor takes time, so seek out a new doctor as soon as possible. Discuss any concerns with your new doctor to allow them to document this information in your patient chart and document any observations about your health, new treatments to address health issues, and evidence that may suggest medical malpractice.

Only Share With the Appropriate People

Directly confronting a doctor or a medical facility where care took place about the suspected medical malpractice will not benefit you. It is normal to be upset and overwhelmed about the treatment you received. However, these concerns should be discussed with your new doctor and a knowledgeable Springfield medical malpractice attorney who understands the complexity of medical malpractice claims and can ensure the best outcome in a medical malpractice lawsuit.

The actions you take on your own can be used against you if your case goes to trial, and proper procedures must be followed in any legal action. Stay away from posting any information about the treatment you received or your health online to protect yourself from legal recourse. It is vital to understand that any information posted on public platforms can be used as evidence in a case, so posting pictures and comments of any activities you participate in or recovery updates can be used to prove your injuries may have occurred from something other than the treatment you received.

Retain a Copy of Your Medical Records

Medical records tell the story of a person’s health and chronicle any health concerns leading up to treatment and the type of care used to address the issue. It will be necessary to prove that a standard of care was owed to you, but this care did not occur, resulting in your injuries. While it is not easy to prove, this can be done with the correct documentation and working with personal injury attorneys who possess extensive experience in medical malpractice.

Also, keep a copy of the medications prescribed and any rehabilitative treatment records. All of these documents will weave a story of your health and the treatment you received.

Write Down Your Experience

Most people feel they will never forget the events surrounding a life-changing event, but it is very easy to do. Details slowly slip away, leading us to forget essential information that can be key to detailing a story. Write down the symptoms you are experiencing after treatment, what the treatment consisted of, and how these symptoms have impacted your life.

Document time off from work to recover from your injuries and how your physical health has contributed to your ability or lack of an ability to take part in activities you once performed before treatment.

Reach Out to A Springfield Medical Malpractice Attorney Today

Medical malpractice actions must be filed within certain time limits, and critical information about a claim can be lost the longer an individual waits to file. Medical malpractice claims should be discussed immediately with the team at Holley, Rosen & Beard, LLC, who can assess your damages and discuss how we can help you reclaim compensation after experiencing medical neglect.