
How can you protect your toddler from a seatback failure?

November 22, 2022 Legal Team
For decades, safety professionals have advised parents to place toddlers into car seats that are appropriate for their height and weight. This continues to be sound advice. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, car seats save the lives of about 325 children under the age of 5 every single year.You...
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The adjustment after you experience a spinal cord injury

November 10, 2022 Legal Team
A spinal cord injury can change your life dramatically. Your career, relationships and independence may all feel the jarring effects of a sudden change in mobility.Recovering from such a devastating injury will fluctuate depending on the severity of your condition. Preparing for an adjustment might help you maintain a realistic and optimistic mindset during...
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Three common motorcycle accident injuries and how to avoid them

October 2, 2022 Legal Team
If you ride a motorcycle, you know that fall is the perfect time for riding in Illinois. Little compares to the sense of freedom a motorcycle offers, but this freedom is not without the potential for danger.Here are three of the most common motorcycle injuries and some ways to avoid them next time you...
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What are repetitive stress injuries?

June 17, 2022 Legal Team
When a worker has to repeat the same physical actions while on the job, they risk getting a repetitive stress injury.These injuries may sound on paper like something less problematic than they are. Unfortunately, this can easily lead to people underestimating their impact.What causes RSIs?Healthline discusses the ways repetitive stress injuries impact health. RSIs...
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