
When can a DUI become a felony?

April 13, 2020 Legal Team
In 2018, more than 26,000 people in Illinois found themselves arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI). According to a report from the Secretary of State, the average blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for those arrested was 0.16.A high BAC reading can lead to some additional penalties and fines. But it is not...
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Are breathalyzer tests accurate?

March 13, 2020 Legal Team
Even if you’ve never been pulled over for being drunk behind the wheel, you probably know how police will handle a DUI stop. First, an officer might lean in close enough to see if your breath smells of alcohol. Then, the officer might conduct a field sobriety test. Then, at some point, the officer...
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What is the difference between a suspended license and a revoked license?

February 3, 2020 Legal Team
A suspended license is better than a revoked license. A suspended license comes back on a certain date. So, you may be suspended for three months, a year or three years. If you wait till the end of that suspension and you do not get caught driving, you can go to the secretary of...
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What should I say to my teen about drunk driving?

January 13, 2020 Legal Team
There are plenty of worries you may have when your teen starts driving. It is a huge responsibility, and teens do not always use their best judgment, so it is a little nerve-wracking when you give them control over a vehicle and let them loose on Illinois streets. Your job is to prepare them...
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