
Factors that can impact Breathalyzer accuracy

January 30, 2018 Legal Team
Even if it is your first time facing a drinking-and-driving charge in Illinois, you can still expect considerable penalties with a conviction. Therefore, if you have any reason to suspect the results of your Breathalyzer test are anything other than completely accurate, you would be wise to investigate further.With proper calibration, maintenance and administration,...
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What to do if you face DUI charges in Illinois

November 6, 2017 Legal Team
With the holidays fast approaching, it is wise to be prepared on what to do in case the police pull you over for drunk driving. You do not want a DUI conviction to ruin the season for you or others.DUI charges are no minor matter. Even the most basic first-time offense can still lead...
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Seeking medical help is doubly important after a car crash

August 13, 2017 Legal Team
You may drive along the same stretch of road day after day without incident, going to work, going to a game or joining up with friends on a Saturday night. You feel comfortable, given the familiar surroundings, but you should never become complacent. An accident can happen when and where you least expect a...
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What to do and not to do at your first DUI stop

May 8, 2017 Legal Team
When the police pull you over for any reason, it is in your best interest to be respectful and cooperative to prevent making the situation turn south. However, it is also in your best interest to know when you have to do as an officer asks and when you have no legal duty to...
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