
What are some psychological consequences to a car crash?

July 19, 2022 Legal Team
Even though you may assume you are only dealing with physical injuries after a car accident, your mental health can also suffer.Psychological trauma can make it hard to go through daily life. Knowing the signs of this problem can help you identify any emotional or mental issues you are going through.Rumination and overthinkingAccording to...
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Drunk driving, zero tolerance and drivers under 21

July 1, 2022 Legal Team
If you are a driver under 21 or the parent of a teen driver, it is essential to familiarize yourself with laws related to underage drunk driving. In Illinois, it is against the law for those under the age of 21 to operate motor vehicles with any traceable alcohol in their system.Moreover, those under...
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Reasons you need an attorney to defend a DUI

July 1, 2022 Legal Team
Driving under the influence is a crime. So, when you face DUI charges, a criminal court handles your case.You can choose to represent yourself, but without legal experience or in-depth knowledge of drunk driving laws, it can be challenging to know your defense options.DUI laws are complexYou must understand the complicated laws regarding drunk...
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What are repetitive stress injuries?

June 17, 2022 Legal Team
When a worker has to repeat the same physical actions while on the job, they risk getting a repetitive stress injury.These injuries may sound on paper like something less problematic than they are. Unfortunately, this can easily lead to people underestimating their impact.What causes RSIs?Healthline discusses the ways repetitive stress injuries impact health. RSIs...
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