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Concussion Symptoms After a Car Accident

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Car accidents create intense force that can cause the brain to move back and forth in the skull, creating a high risk of a concussion. Anyone experiencing a car accident with a significant collision like this should seek out immediate care for their concussion symptoms, which include everything from changes to thought patterns to trouble sleeping. A Springfield car accident attorney from Holley, Rosen & Beard, LLC, can help you.

What Are the Most Common Concussion Symptoms After a Car Accident?

Concussion symptoms may include:

  • Mental confusion
  • Headaches
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Light sensitivity
  • Audio sensitivity
  • Trouble speaking clearly
  • Difficulty with focus
  • Changes in perception

The symptoms of a concussion can range from mild to severe. Not everyone will have outward signs of damage, such as damage to the head or skull. If you have any of these symptoms after a car accident, seek immediate care from the emergency room.

When Will the Symptoms of a Concussion Show Up?

One of the complexities of brain damage like this is that it can take a while. Concussions may become immediately obvious or may be somewhat slower in developing. Some take minutes to show symptoms, while others may take a few hours. Some people experience changes in symptoms over 24 to 48 hours after the concussion.

In some people, symptoms of a concussion may not develop until the brain is used in that manner. For example, a person may not experience trouble focusing and concentrating until they are tasked with making decisions or must communicate what happened to them. Normal conversation may seem okay, though.

What Are Common Delayed Symptoms of a Concussion After a Car Accident?

In some people who do not experience significant symptoms of a concussion right after the car accident, delayed signs can occur in the coming hours and days. The most common symptoms to be delayed include:

  • Trouble sleeping or staying asleep
  • Changes to memory
  • Trouble with concentration
  • Sensitivity to noise and light
  • Changes in taste and smell
  • Onset of depression

In these situations, it is still necessary to seek care from a doctor for immediate care. Doing so is the best way to protect your brain’s health over the long term.

When Should a Person Go to the ER After Experiencing Concussion Symptoms?

Any time you notice changes to the function of your brain, it is critical to seek out care from an emergency room. The key is to get there as soon as possible so that prolonged damage to the brain does not happen. Some signs that you should not wait include:

  • Loss of consciousness, even for a short period of time
  • An accident involving a high-speed impact
  • Significant trouble with vision or dizziness
  • Becoming disoriented or confused
  • Lacking the ability to communicate

In these situations, the damage to the brain could be significant and may warrant immediate help. Treatment for concussions can be beneficial as soon as a person receives it, but what is most important is preventing further damage. If you spot any of these symptoms of a concussion in yourself or another person after a car accident, seek out immediate medical care. Call a Springfield car accident attorney from Holley, Rosen & Beard, LLC, for a free consultation.