
Extra precautions needed for winter motorcycle riding

October 22, 2021 Legal Team
For most motorcycle enthusiasts in Illinois, the riding season runs from spring through fall. The additional dangers of hitting a patch of snow or ice, as well as the cold weather, convince most motorcyclists to put the bike away for several months.Bikers who do ride year-round should take extra precautions to stay safe.The importance...
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How does a motorcycle accident produce road rash?

October 8, 2021 Legal Team
Road rash is an injury many people experience. It may occur if you fall while out on a run or during a bicycle ride. Some road rashes are minor and easily treatable at home. However, if you are riding a motorcycle and a negligent driver fails to see you, you could sustain a more...
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What are some fire risks in fall?

September 23, 2021 Legal Team
Fall is the ideal time to have friends and family visit for a bonfire or to sit around a campfire. However, bringing fire into a party can create a hazardous situation.If you want to have a fun fall involving fire, Johns Hopkins Medicine recommends keeping some safety tips in mind.Watch the distanceYou should only...
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Fractures may have a long-term impact

September 14, 2021 Legal Team
Several different situations, such as car accidents and falls, can cause people to sustain a fracture. People may sometimes view fractures as relatively routine injuries. However, these wounds can have a serious impact.There are several different kinds of fractures that people may incur. The Cleveland Clinic says that when people have a stress fracture,...
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